

At BaggotDental, we are open and transparent about fees, and we inform you if all costs in advance. There are some variations in the list, but we give exact quotations before any treatment.

We operate the PRSI scheme and work with all dental insurances.

We also run the VHI direct scheme where we get approval for your treatment, and you only pay the top-up.


Free with PRSI or dental insurance

€ 50 – 60

Child Examination

€ 35

Child Hygienist

€ 35 – 55

Fissure Seal

€ 30

Hygienist (+/- anaesthetic 30 mins)

€ 80

45 min Periodontal cleaning plus Anaesthetic

€ 150

White composite filling

€ 75 – 175


€ 980

Adhesive alternative to a crown

€ 220 – 350

Veneers porcelain with ceramist

from € 700

Composite veneers

€ 350


€ 850 per unit

Maryland adhesive bridge

from € 950

Root canal treatment
(depending on number of canals)

€ 490 – 640

Non surgical extraction

€ 120

Custom tooth whitening

€ 280

Dentures acrylic and chrome cobalt

€ 500 – 1300

Michigan hard heat cured nightsplint

€ 380

Custom sportsgaurd – single colour

€ 85
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