Composite Bonding
The patient didn’t want to do whitening or have orthodontic treatment, so we closed the gaps and created more balance with composite bonding,
Composite Bonding and whitening treatment
Composite Veneers
The patient did not want orthodontics but did not like the staining on her teeth so without removing any tooth structure we bonded on composite veneers.
Composite Bonding to close the gaps
Composite Bonding
The patient had some invisalign to straighten his teeth and then he whitened & we did some composite bonding where some teeth weren’t the same size.
Composite restoration of a fractured tooth
Replacement of two central crowns
This patient has wear and some gaps so we additively restored his teeth with composite bonding and did not require anesthetic.
Invisalign treatment
Before After Sample image
Etiam eleifend velit mollis venenatis ultricies. Sed pretium in turpis sed fringilla. Etiam rutrum arcu, quis ullamcorper sem sodales ac. Praesent vestibulum sed vehicula.
Before After Sample image
Etiam eleifend velit mollis venenatis ultricies. Sed pretium in turpis sed fringilla. Etiam rutrum arcu, quis ullamcorper sem sodales ac. Praesent vestibulum sed vehicula.
Before After Sample image
Etiam eleifend velit mollis venenatis ultricies. Sed pretium in turpis sed fringilla. Etiam rutrum arcu, quis ullamcorper sem sodales ac. Praesent vestibulum sed vehicula.
Old composite restorations revealed gaps between teeth
We restored additively with composite